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How to make money online with Google Adsense
Monday, January 21, 2013 @ 9:04 PM



How to make money with web based advertising – Google adsense
What is web-based advertising?
Most of us have seen banner ads on web sites, and we realize that someone is making
money from these adverts. But did you know that if you are a Blogger or have your own web site you can cash in on this popular scheme.
Google’s Adsense is probably the most popular web based advertising scheme.
What is Goggle Adsense?
It is worthwhile taking a further look at Google’s Adsense and find out what it actually does and how it can benefit you. If you have your own blog or web site it allows you to display advertising on each page. Google takes a look at your blog or site content and displays relevant advert. To ensure you make the most of your web site or blog, in other words make the most money, you may want to sign up for Google Adwords as well.
Google Adwords lets you find the best key words for your site/blog, and this will improve your earnings and increase your site visitors. The more visitors = more clicks=more money.
How to get started with Google Adsense
Google would like as many web site owners as possible to sign up with its Adsense program. It is relatively easy to do as Google has a great online application.
During the application process Google will ask you some simple questions, and ensure you have enough online content to be able to benefit from the service.
Google Adsense do make certain conditions for instance you will have to agree to not click on any of the ads displayed on your site and you are not allowed to display adverts on sites containing pornographic content.
What about the money?
There are two different payment structures to Google Ads.
CPC – which is cost per click
CPM – cost per 1000 impressions.
The adsense only displays CPC adverts which means advertisers pay when users click on ads, or when the advertiser’s ad is shown on your site. This means you will receive a portion of the amount paid for by the activity on your site or blog. Adsense allows to track your earnings on line.
How much can you expect to earn?
On the internet content is king so it is important to take the time and research an article. Finding a popular subject to write about is very important. It is a good idea to check out news head lines and write about a subject which you know and care about.
You can also write product reviews on your blog or web site. Lots of people are very interested in reading about a product they are considering purchasing. For instance if you have recently bought a Kindle you could write a review about your Kindle and if you also have an Amazon affiliates account you can advertise a Kindle for sale.
Book and film reviews are also very popular, and once again this could increase your earnings from your site or blog not only by displaying Google adverts but also taking advantage of your Amazon Affiliate account.
If you fancy yourself as a bit of a photographer write about your new camera, what you think about it and describe its features.
You can earn good money from Google Adsense if you do it right. It is really important to stick to a subject and include as many keywords as possible. The more pages and content you have the more ads Google will deliver to your site so do your research before you start writing. Many people have been successful with Adsense and earning vary from a few cents to several hundred dollars per month.
You have nothing to loose so why not have a go. If you need help please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck and remember do your homework before you start writing. Click here to start Google Adsense

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binary options brokers said:
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 @ 6:50 AM

Can I have my website approved by Google Adsense if I'm into binary options?

Healthyannie said:
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 @ 9:18 AM

Yes, I can't see why not. Google are interested in delivering advertising to most sites, and I think your site has enough content to qualify for adsense.

Tyson F. Gautreaux said:
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 @ 2:17 PM

Thank you.very useful article. i have bookmarked your article to read again later.

Healthyannie said:
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 @ 9:58 AM

Thank for you dropping by and reading my article.
You may also want to check out Chitika but I am in the process about writing an article about Chitika as well.
If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact me. Annie

missmlh said:
Monday, December 29, 2014 @ 2:00 PM

Hi Annie, I have an Eye On Spain blog and am interested in using Adsense on it and the Eye On Spain site does say that this is acceptable. However when I tried to set up an Adsense account it asked me where I would be showing the ads. When I put the Eye On Spain address in it said that wasn't possible. Do I have to have another website of my own in order to set up an Adsense account? Thanks.

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