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Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays.

Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays is about the many and varied dogs that we find around our village. Many are abandonados, some are just plain lost, all are real characters, mostly streetwise but occasionally foolhardy. These are some of the stories...

Postscript to my 31/12 entry...
Monday, February 14, 2011 @ 10:42 PM

I was talking to one of the village boys a couple of days ago, a young lad who takes sporadic interest in the Trogg family. He told me that the puppy that died on the 28th December had in fact drowned. There is an occasional river that flows through the village and Mum and the pups had been using it as a secondary source of drinking water. The lad went out with his friends that morning and found the little one floating. They did their best to revive him but he had probably drowned during the night so their efforts were fruitless.

They did what they thought best and carried him back and left him outside their cave home. It was it seems the lads grandfather that stopped me to tell me that morning, but he had been unable to communicate the details just that one of the pups was dead.

6 weeks later and Mum still calls out to him...


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