Reduction of Community Fees agreed at AGM 2013

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21 Aug 2013 3:29 PM by yvonne2618 Star rating in North Wales/Playa Fl.... 18 forum posts Send private message


We have had an email from ----------------  who has confirmed that at the meeting held on 20th August the quarterly fees are been amended from 100€ to 80€, but  does not state when this starts, if anyone was present at the meeting could you please give us an update.



This message was last edited by yvonne2618 on 12/02/2016.


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02 Oct 2013 10:52 PM by yvonne2618 Star rating in North Wales/Playa Fl.... 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

I have tonight emailed Focus to ask what community fees are due this last quarter.  I have also asked for copy of the minutes of the meeting in August as we have yet to receive anything here in the UK.  When I get a reply I will put the info in this thread.




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03 Oct 2013 9:22 AM by yvonne2618 Star rating in North Wales/Playa Fl.... 18 forum posts Send private message

Hi  Everyone

I have had a response from Focus this morning, they confirmed the reduction of fees is effective this quarter and also said the fees willl be 80€ a quarter for all of 2014 (I assume this is subject to nothing changing at next years AGM) unless there are more details in the minutes.

Regards the AGM minutes they are not available as yet, waiting for the President to sign them apparently, but hope to have them out by next week.

Hope everyone is well.





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05 Oct 2013 12:48 AM by joan44 Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Every year after I receive the AGM invitation and the AGM minutes I contact Focus to request they send me an electronic copy by email. I prefer this method as it means I can save a copy on my computor and can access all necessary information more quickly and from anywhere. I have suggested to Focus that they use email to send everyone copies of the AGM minutes and also to use this method for AGM invitations without having to make a request every year.. Their reply has always been it is not possible to do it you must make the request every year. Surely it is a simple procedure to put a prefered method of communication next to each owners name and address.

Electronic copies would cut down on postage and the time it takes for it to be delvered, allow owners to store and retreive all community paperwork quickly and easily and it would also ensure we received all necessary paperwork as in the past there have been a number of occassions when some owners  have not received invitations until it was too late and sometimes not received them at all.

I travel quite a lot and find it very frustrating when I get home and find an invitation to a meeting that has been and gone.

Any thoughts on how we can get Focus to use email as the preferred method of  communication for those owners who wish to adopt this method.

Joan 44


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