Costa Calida Chronicle/Dangerous dogs act

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28 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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If you Google this paper then you get some great info - including a list of 'dangerous dogs' as listed in the newest Spanish legislation which are required to wear muzzles/banned from area where kids play etc.


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28 Feb 2009 11:52 PM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for te paper details.

However I do get really angry when peole or groups start to label a breed of dog as dangerouse,

We had german shepars untill Hip displacia led to their untimely death

No dog is dangerouse if it has been trained properly.

It is not the dog that needs the training other than obediance, its  their owners & their families 

Chikdren should also be made aware that no animal can tel us that they are having an off day and just want to be left alone

& no matter what bread of dog you have, you have  to be aware that no child shouild ever be left alone with a dog & if there is more than one , even if they are pets  they becomes a pack

I often see young children out alone with their dog.

If another dog comes towards their dog , it is natural for the child to want to protect its pet. The dogs naturaly meet & greet each other totally different to us. There is also the dominance  factor , A child then gets mixed up in the fight & its usually the poor child that gets injured.

Not the dogs fault. Its the parents for alowing the child to go out with the pet alone.

For the record both of my sons were biitten when they were young both dogs are not on the danger dog list.. A  King Charles spaniel bit my youngest  & missed his eye by half an inch.

My eldest son was bitten by a corgie. No chance of that breed ever going on the list.

On both occasions my sons & friends were playing in their respective friends houses & the dog was protecting against what was rough & tumble a sa fight & interveened. Not the dogs faul. they were after all protecting their loved one. the fault was on the adult

Having said all that we always had our dogs on halties.when we took them out.They were obedience trained too

& I do agree that there has to be rules just in case, but those rules have to apply to all dogs


West Mids & Jardin 5

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01 Mar 2009 10:56 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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I know what you mean.  I love dogs and cats and we have had pets all of our lives.  I also love German Shepherds but thought I would pass the article onto forum members for info anyway.  It is - mainly - the case that dogs, much like kids!, will run wild if not properly supervised.  I do think though that certain breeds are more disposed to aggresive temperaments through breeding.  Anyway, here's hoping that all the Condado pets are immpecably mannered!!


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