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El Trampolin forum threads
The Comments
12 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by dei Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

** EDITED - Personal details posted **

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13 Feb 2009 10:16 AM by Nellydean Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

The person who has posted Carolina's name is obviously spanish because the grammar is disgraceful.  British people are bad spellers but the flow of our language will always read correctly.

I would suggest someone is out to cause Carolina a big problem, fortunately on this occasion they have not succeeded.

It seems there are a lot of people out to cause problems but they should remember all of our old sayings;

1 What goes around comes around !

2 Every dog has it's day!

3 He who laughs last, laughs longest!

I would suggest to all of those who have a real interest in El Trampolin, make themselves available for the meeting at the beginning of March because there are serious issues to be raised and major decisions to be made for all of our futures on site.  Those of you who haven't been out since September/October should make a real effort because so much has happened since you were last here.

I don't live here but do spend a lot of time here and I want my future to be in the right hands.  I hope any committee we elect this time will be allowed to stay in office and fulfill all of our hopes and dreams of a quiet life in Spain.



This message was last edited by Nellydean on 2/13/2009.

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13 Feb 2009 10:51 AM by Hobo Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Oh dear! oh dear! oh dear!, I think it's so sad that you all want something the same and you can't stand together to get it sorted. If you put as much energy into sorting your problems instead of trying to get one up on whoever, then you might get somewhere. All you seem to do is belly ache about what's going on and get nowhere, and have a go at whoever it is trying to help you. I wish you well in sorting your problems, but you don't give very good examples of the type of people who are living on your development. I think from reading your post the you can see that your builder is not a nice person...but in some ways you are all as bad. Keep shooting the messengers, eventually you'll have no one but idiots to sort ya problems.

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13 Feb 2009 1:23 PM by jogary Star rating in UK. 193 forum posts Send private message

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'Dei' is obviously a Grupo Trampolin employee - but don't let me influence you, look at these previous posts they have made and make your own mind up:

Hobo - you need to understand that many of the people posting on here are in an extremely stressful situation :

- many having the utilities cut off for their homes, then having a gun put to their heads by the developer to pay cash

- others finding out that the house they have paid a considerable sum of money towards has been re-sold and occupied by someone else

Given the stress levels associated with these scenarios it is not surprising that there is an amount of in-fighting.

So if you have something constructive to say that will inform or help the current situation, post away.

If not, find another forum on which to write this rubbish.

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13 Feb 2009 1:31 PM by murciaman Star rating in london. 25 forum posts Send private message

Please check the trampolin hill forum today

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13 Feb 2009 1:58 PM by jogary Star rating in UK. 193 forum posts Send private message

jogary´s avatar

..regarding the claims that Grupo Trampolin are all but bankrupt?

To anyone who has purchased on Lo Santiago and witnessed the recent behaviour of the developer, I'm afraid this isn't news!

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14 Feb 2009 5:14 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 190 forum posts Send private message

At last it seems some people are waking up and begining to "smell the coffee"! I KNOW "JoGary" has been following my threads but it is time the rest of you woke up to reality ... you are dealing with three determined thieves at Trampolin!

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