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Boost Your Business : An Expert's Tips

Michael Walsh. Twenty years business assessment and marketing counsellor for the Federation of Master Builders and Guild of Master Craftsmen (UK)

Friday, June 28, 2013


Newspaper advertising drains business profits faster than anything else but it seems everyone does it. At a guess I would say 95 percent of free newspaper content is advertising in one form or another. I would be surprised if much of it is cost effective but lemming-like everyone does it. Maybe they think it’s an essential overhead, like union dues, a till or insurance.


I have seen a half-page advert that explained everything about the restaurant except for a couple of vital things. There was no location given and no contact details. You couldn’t make it up. Many advertisers are situated on urbanisations most readers are clueless about. I often see advertising displays double or treble the size they need to be to have the same effect.


Like much else running a business calls upon skills that few have. Sure they learnt their trade - well some did. Being a competent whatever doesn’t make one a capable entrepreneur.


As a business assessment regional manager for the UK’s largest quality assurance based trade associations, I visited each week an average of twenty five businesses over twenty-years. I learnt much. I also learned that like politics, business life attracts those unsuited to it. Few business people welcome advice. It tells.


Invariably business owners I chatted with were congenial and self-effacing, many were disarmingly candid. Few negotiate advertising prices. It was rare for me to find someone who monitored response to their advertising or worked out an advertising budget. Often their advertisements were placed in woefully inappropriate media. I wonder if when visiting the bookies they placed their bets on donkeys. They do in business.


Many were unaware of glaring oversights until I pointed them out. I often asked who ran that side of the business. I was usually told their wife did. Did she have any experience? No. I asked if they had a marketing strategy. Such a question attracted blank stares.


Where a skill was required many had attended the obligatory courses. Yet, skilled or unskilled I can recall few business owners who had attended a business course or had a marketing or advertising interest. Not a course, not a book, not a DVD. It was like buying a car unaware that it needs a licence, oil and water, air in the tyres.


Here in the Costa communities one expects complacency. The lifestyle being what it is it would be unreasonable to expect the same drive and attention to detail so necessary to compete in the UK. Even so, I do think a half-hearted attempt should be made when running a business. In my next blog I will give you a few ideas for alternatives to advertising. They will cost you much less but pump your profits right up.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Let us begin with humour to make a point. We recall the English tourist who, calling in at a Tipperary newsagents, asked for the Daily Mirror.

“And would you be wanting yesterday’s or today’s edition,” he was asked to which he replied that today’s would do fine. “Good,” the newsagent told him. “Come back tomorrow.”

In much the same way news in today’s tabloid was online yesterday and your weekly read is a history lesson. Business owners are unlikely to be interested in the misfortunes of the conventional Press. If they advertise, they should be. Like journalists, advertising and marketing are migrating to new media, the online press.

The Daily Mail and other newspapers can still be bought in traditional form. However, its online presence, which carries hundreds of advertisements dressed up as information, is a thousand times stronger. It is the most widely read news portal in the world.

Russia Today is the most influential news channel to emerge from modern Russia. Throughout the world it is the voice of Russia and more importantly it is necessary as an antidote to the West‘s controlled news media. We often see news in Russia Today that is censored in the West. How many would have heard of Russia Today if it were available only at a newsstand?

Very often new media is not hard copy published at all and can be read only online. Examples are Typically Spanish or the Lithuania Tribune. At opposite ends of Europe they have much in common.

Both new media bring important news and advertisers marketing to readers’ attention within minutes of news breaking. The same applies to special advertisers offers.

Online advertising is at a pioneering stage but is catching on. Advertisers will find their marketing more flexible and user friendly whilst reaching a far wider audience. In terms of cost and space, distribution and delay, the conventional media will soon be just a shop window for the newspaper’s online presence. ©

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Friday, June 21, 2013





Poor writing skills leave the business community handicapped. A report published this week says “the ability to spell correctly and to string sentences together is the most important quality students need to get into university after exam results.”

How then does this impact on the Costa communities’ business sector? Spelling and grammatical errors and inability to structure sentences weakens customer confidence and destroys a company’s credibility.

An international marketing company tested the impact of poor spelling on customer response. In their first mailing, a single word was deliberately misspelt. When the rogue word was later corrected, customer response doubled. Imagine then the impact of a poorly written brochure or website.

By necessity, consumers today are wary of cowboy trades and are on their guard. When browsing potential service providers online customers tend to be suspicious. If anything arouses their suspicion, they back off.

You would not use an amateur to fix your car so why presume you or a family member; a friend can match highly paid copywriters? Millions of companies successfully operate online. They do not have high street stores and they do not advertise. If your website is not producing results the reason is likely to be its poorly written content.

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Monday, June 17, 2013



During a business visit to a kitchen fitting company, I complimented the boss on his impressive car. He explained that in his trade professional credibility is important. “If I was to keep an appointment in a clapped out shed,” he explained, “I can forget the sale.”


These days we use our company website to do our selling for us. When it fails to produce results we dismiss it as an effective means of harvesting leads and sales. This is a good example of placing the blame on the messenger.


Millions of companies use their web presence to successfully sell their services and products. Such companies tend to enjoy corporate credibility and are respected. How can the small business compete?


They can do so by making sure their website content is not amateurishly written. Would you trust a company whose English is primary school level?


There is one major difference between the small business owner and the corporate rival. The large company knows that a single spelling mistake will cut response by half whilst the small business owner is carelessly complacent. If you do not sell credibility then you will pay a high price in lost sales.


Your website is your company sales representative. If you send him to see clients poorly dressed don‘t be surprised if you end up selling on price. It costs very little to give your website content the corporate appearance


I charge a standard €50 fee for improving the appearance of a company website. This offer will apply to about 90 per cent of small to medium size businesses. If this makes sense contact me. Mike Walsh at

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Thursday, June 13, 2013



Naturally the media wants you to advertise as your income keeps them solvent. In these trying times they will be economical with the truth and they will tell you anything. If you fail to monitor advertising response you will hit hard times whilst they prosper. Whose business do you value most?


An advertisement that once worked may not continue to produce leads. Response will go down but your advertising bill won’t. After the first advertisement something like 90% of readers have had the opportunity to respond. For this reason my advertisements in Euro Weekly News stopped working a long time ago. Had I been paying for them I would have been throwing good money after bad.


There are ways to find out if your advertising response justifies your outlay. 1) Ask new clients where they saw your advertisement and keep a record. 2) Offer an incentive based on the reader producing the advert. 3) If new clients need to respond to a coupon or by mail ask the advertising department to key your adverts. For instance your address would include (dept. EWN 1458) which tells you the advertisement appeared in that issue.


Feel free to comment, offer advice but please keep it positive. Thanks. Mike

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