A new beginning (here's hoping !)

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28 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by chubbster Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Hi.  My name's Iain and I currently live in Scotland.  Just back from my first visit to the Costa Blanca (Benidorm), and absolutely loved it.  I've searched all my life for someplace to call home, and think I have finally found it?  That would be Altea.
Now back in Scotland for a year to get things tied up here before I make the move in Summer 2009.  I am going to be apending the next year learning the language and trying to find a suitable property to rent long-term.  Ideally, I am looking for a 3 bed, 2 bath apartment (preferably Altea, or just inland).  Either on the ground floor or with a lift as I have mobility problems.  And would also appreciate any advice that members can offer, that would make the move a little smoother.  As for work, I am a qualified and experienced EFL (ESOL) tutor, and would be looking for about 15 hours per week, either in a school or private tuition.  So again, any help would be much appreciated.
Thanbks Iain

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29 Jul 2008 9:04 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9405 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar
It seemd that people are beginning to switch to secure, long term rentals... good choice in my opinion.

Iain: I think you have chosen a wonderful place and a right strategy.   Both long term rentals and teaching english homely are safe places ( I would advise you to care personally for students and you will have a secure success).

As per rentals, I would advise to:

- submitt your contract to arbitration rather than Courts,
- sign a rental contract for a " home"  ( so you can enjoy automatic extensions which will provide permanency to you and your family) 
- add a clause for an option to purchase, as whithin 3, 5 years  you will have the oportunity to decide if you want/ do not want to buty the house.

Best wishes,



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA


Director www.costaluzlawyers.es

El blog de Maria

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29 Jul 2008 9:48 AM by chubbster Star rating. 6 posts Send private message

Thanks very much Maria.  Could you tell what you mean by submitting the contract for arbitration please?  Not quite sure I understand.  Thanks Iain

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