Stolen Green Lantern Jardin 13

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11 Aug 2013 11:42 AM by andyandvicky Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

Hi our rental apartment had a large hanging green lantern with long green tassels at bottom (very Moroccan looking) stolen other night from outside apartment front door.... If anyone notices any neighbours with a new green lantern if you could please send me a pm please. Seems a shame people are pinching so blatant as we had tenants in !!!

Thanks everyone

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12 Aug 2013 2:48 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

chaddyowl´s avatar
We had a stone car (ornamental) stolen from our back ground floor jardine 2 apartment recently!
Had to be 2 people and vehicle as it was so heavy. Lock up or lose it!!!!

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12 Aug 2013 7:05 PM by SimonandClaire Star rating. 25 forum posts Send private message

We have had our rattan furniture stolen fom Jardines 1 between Easter and Summer. Has been ok for a number of years stacked outside. It would seem travelling criminals are able to get on site and steal items from outside apartments.

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12 Aug 2013 7:18 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


I firmly believe that security has to up its game.

Each time we have been over we have seen vans etc. go in and out of the security gate without being stopped & checked. Though some had company logo`s it still should not matter. They should be checked in & out every time.

I know that the late night market is well organized & it is a crowd puller. That the shops and restaurants do well from it too but what was the point in buying on a gated community for security reasons when every Tom, Dick or Harry (Sorry guys) can come on site. It just does not make any sense to me.

These thefts mean that we either take our lives into our hands & go round every apartment looking for the stolen items, not a quick task or as I have said. Get security onto it Mucho Pronto. Check cars too. Some items can easily fit into cars.

I am aware that there is a dirt track that leads onto Condado from well outside the perimeter & runs alongside where Bears Best was to be positioned. Easy access to Condado & no security to have to go past at either end. Come on  Our elected presidents & ML what are you doing about it.!!!



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 12/08/2013.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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