Does anyone have any info on Palmeral Villas

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18 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by MagsB Star rating in Scotland and La Mari.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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Has anyone else bought an off-plan property in Jumilla called Palmeral Villas?, or does anyone have any information on what is happening with this development? We bought 27 months ago and given 12-24 months build, but not even started yet! Now been told another 2 years, and will not issue bank guarantee!! Any advise??

Soon to be La Marina!!

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27 Apr 2007 2:56 PM by Gherold Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

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We did the same from Simple Palmera, now Simple Overseas.  We sent the deposit in June 05 and received the contract in Nov 05.  It was obviuos that they had not received planning permission so refused to sign it and demanded a refund.  We have been demanding ever since.  British & Spanish solicitors are getting nowhere.  We have two written statements saying that they will refund but never have.  The director of Palmera Properties told me that the money has gone to the builder but told me today (we are continually e-mailing him) that he owns 66% of the building company also.  We have also been informed that only a small percentage of the plots have ever been sold and therefore the project cannot go ahead. 

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07 May 2007 11:56 PM by MaggieB Star rating in Dunfermline,La Marin.... 56 forum posts Send private message

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I pm'd you when I was in Spain last week,but you will have to forgive me as I can't find your reply with your email address!! was really hectic trying to buy a place in 4 days!! so if you can re-send it would appreciate that!


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15 Sep 2007 2:22 AM by mar26 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi there,

We paid our deposit against one of these properties way back in Dec 04!!! Apparently on the the website they are now saying phase1 & the show house will be started at the end of the summer - I will believe it when I see it !!!!

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17 Sep 2007 8:19 AM by Gherold Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

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The Director tells us the same.  He wants us to go over and see the site but he has also said that only 40 plots have been sold and the rest will now be sold to the Spanish as an urbanisation.  We are still insisting on a refund but apparently neither Palmera Properties or Palmera Murcia SL, the builders, have any money  (his words)!!  We spoke to him last Monday, 10th Sept.

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10 Nov 2007 12:09 PM by MagsB Star rating in Scotland and La Mari.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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Does anyone have any up to date info on the not to be properties?? or the company??, have a solicitor since early this year but have not heard for months now!! but will be in touch when I get back to UK!!

Soon to be La Marina!!

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09 Dec 2007 6:24 PM by pat and greg Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone.

My husband and I have also put a deposit on a property in jumilla . Our latest update was around about june, they told us that the build was supposed to start in february this year, but the laws have changed in spain for the builders. They told us that instead of having permission for the whole of phase one, the builder now has to have permission for each individual villa, and that he has now applied for that, so the build will be delayed whilst he is waiting, however, they also told us that because the builder is a friend of the mayor, he has been granted a special licence to build a show house, which he will be doing whilst waiting for the permission. I will be calling the agent in the Uk this week to see if they can help, and I will update the forum again.

ps They did assure us that they have used this builder on many occassions in the past and that there is nothing to worry about!

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