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Las Dunas de Cope forum threads
The Comments
08 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by Sly Star rating in Southampton. 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi I received this note from Simone at Palm (Oasis) Properties.

I thought you should all know this.

Hi All

Can you please confirm that you have signed your water contracts as the
cut off date (as in cutting water off) is the 26th February. We do not have
a cut off date for electricity as yet.

If you haven't you need to sort this out with our administrator.

Best wishes





Longing for the day I can leave the rainy UK and live in Spain.

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07 Mar 2007 12:45 PM by ph Star rating in Solihull / Aguilas. 44 forum posts Send private message

Just returned from a few days at Las Dunas. Great weather!!

The site is looking pretty good now, but still lots of building going on on all the adjacent developments. We can see 19 cranes from our roof!!

If you have not yet signed your water contracts, you will have no water when you get there.

Simone at Palm Properties organised our contract for us, so our water was on when we got there. We're now on a meter and paying for it!! Suggest you get something organised if you can, since Aquagest, the water company, have to come out and fit a meter before you can get any supplies. This can be a day or two after you sign the contract.

Electricity is not yet organised, so the site is still on a generator. Again, we have left this in Simone's capable hands, so we know we will have continuity of supply.

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14 Mar 2007 11:12 PM by amandarowan Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hi, following Sly's original email about the water switch over, we contacted Oasis properties (Simone) to organise the connection prior to our visit on 9th March. All was sorted out well in advance we set off confident in the knowledge that our water had been connected in time for our arrival.  Well they say it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We arrived at midnight and did not get our water until 15.30 the following day.  Oasis had done their bit with Aquigest and were quick to get straight onto the problem to help us sort it our. It appears that the water company had connected the wrong apartment, "pipes labelled incorrectly" seems to be the explanation!  We have been told this is not the first time this has happened, our learning would be that whoever you get to sort out your water connection and contract, get someone to actually check the supply is connected and working as it should be.

We also discovered an interesting feature of the new lock we had installed on the front door!!!!!!!!!! basically if you leave a set of keys in the  lock inside of the door and then close it from the outside, you are effectively locked out, even if you have a set of keys with you, they won't work because of the keys on the inside of the lock - how weird is that??? The locksmith was indisposed and so Clint and RIch helped us break in to our apartment, secure window locks meant we had to break a window., with the help of tools supplied by our neighbours. Mar Y Casas were great - Pepe and Lucco found a replacement window and installed in within an hour of us asking them for help

Other news:

Gesisur have finally cleaned the pools (thanks to Rich being very firm with them) though there is still a problem with the garage doors, at present the underground car park is not secure and there is a risk that if you put your car in the garage you won't be able to get it out until Pepe is on hand to help with the doors.


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17 Mar 2007 6:59 AM by losolivosbelair Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message


just read about your trauma with the lock and could not help thinking "there but for the grace go I"

I will be moving in Jardines de Cope this week and it my third apartment here in spain where I live now anyway.

My experience here is that if you always lock the door behind you when you go "into" your apartment you have to unlock it to get out, if you leave the key in the door and use it to let yourself out and take it with you on leaving you will not have this problem again but further to this with the key left in the lock when you are in your apartment adds to your security because no one can enter with an un authorized key.

I read an article this week in the Euro weekly News stating that most burglaries in Spain are through the front door . As it is these doors are very strong and are not easily forced so look after yourself and develop a habit with your keys for your own safety.

It is always advisable to change your lock when you take over your new apartment and I always expect to see 5 keys handed over as I beleive that generaly the locks are manufactured and supplied with 5 keys.

I am sure that after your experience i do not have to tell you all this but it may be a good warning for anyone else reading this board 

good luck


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