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Mirador de las Palmeras forum threads
The Comments
21 Sep 2006 6:23 PM by brady Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

hi all,
just found out about this web site and I think it will come in handy.
I have just come back from 3 days in  the  dark because  no one informed me that the elect was being disconnected.Someone must have all our details to informeveryone.

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25 Sep 2006 8:04 PM by Tracey W Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

We are new owners of an apartment in Mirador and are finding the whole set up of the apartment very difficult. We are not able to get out to spain until the end of November due to my husbands work committments so to find someone like Jane who is able to speak the language and help us from a distance to set up the electric and water contracts on our behalf is a godsend! To us it is money worth spending so that when my family arrive in November we will be able to stay comfortably straightaway. I am surprised that Palmera were not able to offer this service to new owners, but if they did I am sure they would charge the same rate if not more.


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