Spanish property scandal petition

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Calanova Sea Golf forum threads
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14 Jan 2007 12:00 AM by hendrix Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone my solicitors are trying to find out completion dates, hill removal etc The developers will only reply through their solicitors and that is vague.I quote from Calanova Sea golf colour brochure page 40. {everything matters every phonecall everyletter every email everyphoto, Every moment you spend with us is important. That is our promise that is our passion.} Oh dear. They are as much use as a slap on the face with a wet fish. adios hendrix

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19 Jan 2007 3:37 PM by hendrix Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone anyone who has bought in blocks 2 and 3. Ive found out today from my solicitors that the developers do not intend to do anything  in the way of removing the hill in front of the blocks. They say its a natural hill. If you were informed or have anything in writing saying the hill was going to be removed please post reply. The apartments are sold as front line golf not big hill with no view golf. Tks hendrix

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01 Aug 2007 1:39 PM by entrepreneur Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Yesterday I had someone take some pictures of the view in front of my apartment ground floor block 3 and it is of this hill - not the sea or a golf course!

I have to take action as I have an apartment I cant sell or rent! Any ideas would be welcome.

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21 Aug 2007 2:30 PM by peterhool Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

According to Monty the Golf Pro at Sea Golf the Managing Director of AJA the Development Company is having the house the other side of the Club House from our Blocks built for himself and family - Monty is even giving lessons to the MDs kids. You guys in Blocks 2 and 3 have a real issue - maybe you could form an orderly queue outside his new home (with fantastic Sea Views) and ask how the issue with Hill could be resolved. One thought I had was for a bunch of us to buy it, move it and build Tennis Courts or whatever and rent back to community to cover costs of buying - there has to be a deal there somewhere to avoid bloodshed!

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13 Sep 2007 11:50 AM by entrepreneur Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

As we are now at completion stage I wonder if anyone has any views on what to do now!

If you have purchased as an investment then it would seem to be a case of disaster recovery!

  • If I try to sell now then the likelihood is that it will take time and I will  lose money each month it is empty by having to pay a mortgage. Also, I will need to sell at a few thousand euros below my purchase price in order to be competitive - a loss of thousands of euros plus the monthly mortgage whilst the property is being sold.
  •  If I purchase the property, furnish it and attempt to rent out then I may at best be able to cover my costs. Then I will need to sell it  at some point in the future where there may well be a big hotel blocking the view -  it is a gamble that the property market might recover. 
Does anyone have any other options or suggestions?

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13 Sep 2007 6:27 PM by acezz Star rating. 94 forum posts Send private message

acezz´s avatar
The property market will recover be certain of that but be prepared for a three year wait until Dubai and Eastern Europe falter. Quality counts and the infrastructure and sophistication of Spain will endure. BUY IT FURNISH IT RENT IT.


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14 Sep 2007 1:25 PM by debbiep Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

I totally agree with you, if you can afford it buy it and rent it out, we recommend that to our clients, on average it will take the first years rent to cover the cost of furnishings but then in two to three years you should be able to sell with the furniture. It will take two to three years at least before the property starts moving.

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14 Sep 2007 4:01 PM by markham Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi there, John Markham 8-2-6, am new to the forum

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