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The Curmudgeon

The curmudgeon is a miserable sod. He likes to have a moan. He tackles subjects which many foreigners living in Spain agree with but are too polite to say anything.

W**T THE F**K!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 @ 8:52 PM

By The Curmudgeon


What is going on? When I first came to Spain some 50 plus years ago, you could get a drink and a tapa or a coffee at any time of day.

Nowadays it’s a different matter!




Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor

The problem

I have just driven 17 kilometres from a village of just under 1000 inhabitants to my home just outside a large town in the Serrania de Ronda and ALL THE BARS WERE CLOSED, bar three.

I left Montejaque (Málaga) at 18.50 for the 20-minute drive to my home in Fuente de la Higuera, a pedanía just outside Ronda, and nearly everywhere was shut, except my local where I am writing this, the Hotel Ronda Valley (formerly Hotel Don Benito), Bar La Melli and Bar 101.

I feel like naming and shaming the closed establishments for ceasing to be a service and being only interested in the bottom line. However, I might lose a lot of friends and goodwill by doing so.


Hotel Ronda Valley [Photo A1 Inmobiliaria]


Suffice to say that in Montejaque, in the main square, two were shut; the third, the admirable Bar La Melli, was open. The other two were shuttered up: Bar El R. and Restaurante E.A.

Driving out through the village, Bar El Altillo was shut, although it always is in the evenings. Café Bar 101 was also open.

Next stop, Benaoján.

N’es was shut, Bar El E. also. Newly opened Bar El Escalón was closed (día de descanso, rest day - fair enough).


    Two happy customers at Bar La Melli [Photo: PW]


On the stretch from Benaoján to La Indiana there are three bars: Las B; Bar Restaurante C del G and Venta El P. – all shut.

Next was my local, already mentioned. The nearest to my house, Restaurante La C. has just closed for three months!


What do I think?

As I said in my title, W**t the F**k!


© The Curmudgeon





Paul Whitelock

Trip Advisor



Bar El Escalón, Bar La Melli, Benaoján, Fuente de la Higuera, Hotel Don Benito, Hotel Ronda Valley, La Indiana, Montejaque, Paul Whitelock, pedanía, Ronda, Serrania de Ronda, tapa, The Curmudgeon, Trip Advisor, WTF, W**t the F**k!

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