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Spaniards plan their Christmas shopping for 'Black Friday', says study
Thursday, November 15, 2018 @ 1:47 PM

SPANISH households are bringing their Christmas shopping forward to November for the first time in consumer history, in order to take advantage of 'Black Friday' deals, according to financial consultants Deloitte.

Its Christmas Consumerism Study 2018 shows that festive shopping in November is now overtaking that which is carried out in December, an unprecedented situation in a country which, traditionally, does not even think about Christmas until it is a few days away.

'Festive fever' has changed considerably in the last decade or so, with supermarkets already stocking Christmas confectionary as early as mid-October whereas, at the beginning of the 21st century, no sign that the holiday season was imminent could be found until at least the middle of December.

And with 'Black Friday' having been imported from the USA in the last three years, two-thirds of Spanish respondents, or 33.1%, say they will be doing their Christmas shopping in November, with 11.3% buying the majority of their presents on November 23, when online and physical stores will slash their prices for 24 hours



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