OMIGOD! What have US voters unleashed on the world?
Trump 2.0. God help us!
The Orange One needs watching!
This blog aims to do just that by bringing to EOS readers the catastrophic actions of the convicted felon who now sits In the White House.

Publicity shot Police mugshot [Both photos courtesy of NDTV]
I doubt my posts will have any effect. Trump won’t even read them (I hope not, anyway, otherwise there might be a knock on my door from a CIA agent!).
But at least I’ll be able to get things off my chest, and annoy my right-wing buddy NF who supports DJT!
What a chaotic world we live in!
Netanyahu, Putin, Zelenskyy, Assad, Starmer, Badenoch, Davey, Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah. And before that Bojo the Clown, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.
But surely the most worrying person in world politics right now is DONALD JOHN TRUMP.
Bojo The Clown [Facebook]
Why can’t he be more amiable and sensible like his snooker-playing nephew JUDD TRUMP?
Former World Snooker Champion Judd Trump [Snooker Hub]
Episode 1 – The Trump Inauguration
To the surprise of most commentators, foreign journalists, pollsters, and Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, Donald J Trump was elected as the next president of the United States back in November 2024 ….. and with a landslide!
What went wrong?
How could American citizens, and in particular black people and women, elect this loud-mouthed, sexist, racist, serial adulterer, rapist and convicted felon to be their president and the de facto leader of the Western World?
It makes a mockery of democracy!
[Photo courtesy of The Atlantic]
OK, rant over.
I’ve started this occasional blog to keep on eye on the b**tard and to vent my frustration at the “stoopid” people who voted him into office FOR A SECOND TERM!
Starting with yesterday, the day of his inauguration in Washington DC.
Should we be worried?
Watching the formal proceedings in the Capitol, I was struck by the following:
1. Most of Trump’s team are as old as or older than he is. 78! Why’s he not putting his feet up?
2. Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, was in a very prominent position in the line-up, along with Trump’s other tech-billionaire acolytes Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg – very worrying!
3. Vice-president JD Vance was looking shifty and untrustworthy.
4. Trump and Vance have stunning wives!

Melania Trump [El Espectador] Usha Vance [24 Horas]
5. The organisers did their best with the pomp and ceremony, but they were nowhere near the class and pageantry of the British on such occasions!
6. Was it pre-arranged that Melania Trump didn’t let DJT make contact when he tried to kiss her on the cheek? Does he have bad breath, or does she really not like him much, as the rumours would have us believe?
7. There were a lot of long faces in the mainly Republican audience. Are they also worried what Trump might do?
The Failed Kiss [CTV News]
So, what can we expect from the second term of this faded TV game-show host and failed businessman?
Will it be as dire and draconian as he has flagged in recent weeks?
I fear we’ll soon find out …..
Final word for today
By the way, is nothing else happening in the world? The TV news coverage of this event is wall-to-wall.
The BBC, ITV, SKY News, CNN, NBC, RTVE, France-Presse, ARD, ZDF, N-TV and N24 are all guilty!
© The Real Inspector Hound

24 Horas, Amazon, CTV News, El Espectador, Facebook, NDTV, Snooker Hub, The Atlantic
24 Horas, Amazon, ARD, Assad, Badenoch, Bezos, black people, Bojo the Clown, BBC, CNN, CTV News, convicted felon, Davey, de facto leader of the Western World, El Espectador, Elon Musk, Facebook, faded TV game-show host, failed businessman, France-Presse, Hamas, Hezbollah, ITV, ISIS, JD Vance, Jeff Bezos, Liz Truss, loud-mouthed, Mark Zuckerberg, Musk, N24, NBC, NDTV, Netanyahu, N-TV, Putin, racist, RTVE, rapist, richest man in the world, Rishi, serial adulterer, sexist, Sunak, SKY News, Snooker Hub, Starmer, The Atlantic, The Real Inspector Hound, Usha Vance, Vice-president, Zelenskyy, Zuckerberg, ZDF