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19 Oct 2007 11:36 AM by mariecw Star rating in Limerick, Ireland & .... 140 forum posts Send private message

mariecw´s avatar
Hi Brian and everybody

That good news !  It will really bring life to the area and it will seem less like a building site !

Were ye affected by the floods in anyway ??




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22 Oct 2007 2:31 PM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 701 forum posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar

Hi everyone

I took some photographs yesterday of Brisas and have just uploaded them. I hope they help you get a view of the building progress. It's wizzing along and looking good.

The footings are being prepared for the block in front of the supermarket.

If anyone has any questions about my David Bailey efforts, please let me know.



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22 Oct 2007 2:47 PM by mariecw Star rating in Limerick, Ireland & .... 140 forum posts Send private message

mariecw´s avatar

Hi Irene and Alan


Thank you so much for your imput as always. We will have to have you over for a drink when we finally get into the apt.

I couldnt see the photos on the BDM photo site - I wonder am I doing something wrong ?





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22 Oct 2007 4:10 PM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 701 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Marie

I just like doing things for people, but its nice to know that its appreciated. Thank you, and as for the drink... that would be lovely.

Photo's - I don't know how long it takes for Justin & team to vet the photos and release them for public viewing. How do we get in touch with Justin to ask?

In the meantime, I'll send you a private message with the photos attached.



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23 Oct 2007 6:51 AM by Sharron W Star rating in Sutton Coldfield, We.... 152 forum posts Send private message

Sharron W´s avatar

Hi Irene and Alan,

Thanks for the photos', but they still don't appear to have loaded.  Could I be cheeky and also have a private message with photo's - don't want to miss out or anything !!

You say they are now putting the footings now opposite the supermarket, do you know what is going there?  We have heard so many mixed stories.  Were out on Thursday so we may get some straight answers - its just that whatever goes there were looking at from our balcony.

Will you be out there when we come out - were there from Thursday to Sunday or are you now back in England.

Regards  Sharron

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23 Oct 2007 12:46 PM by Irene&Alan Star rating in Formentera del Segur.... 701 forum posts Send private message

Irene&Alan´s avatar

Hi everyone

I obviously did something wrong the first time, because I've just tried again and the photo's are there!



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23 Oct 2007 1:58 PM by mariecw Star rating in Limerick, Ireland & .... 140 forum posts Send private message

mariecw´s avatar


Again thanks - the progress is wonderful. Its becomming a reality at long last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind Regards




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23 Oct 2007 9:26 PM by Sharron W Star rating in Sutton Coldfield, We.... 152 forum posts Send private message

Sharron W´s avatar

Hi Irene,

Thanks for the photo's  - it is progressing well.

Marie not long before our brickwork will be in to separate the rooms and apartments.  It still amazes me as its almost twelve months since we purchased and it was a flat piece of land.  We will soon be sitting on our balcony having a beverage or two !!

Regards Sharron 



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24 Oct 2007 2:07 PM by mariecw Star rating in Limerick, Ireland & .... 140 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

I cant wait until that day ..... good wine and good company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How is the new supermarket ?

Kind Regards



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24 Oct 2007 8:17 PM by patpur Star rating in Castle Bromwich Bir.... 389 forum posts Send private message

HI all l will drink to that Marie and Sharron,The progress is brilliant, if you read some of the threads on the mar y sol site you will read about some of the exciting plans for the area which will put our properties in a little hot spot , very good for the bank balance (another reason for a drink) roll on next year l cant wait, Regards Pat.

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24 Oct 2007 8:17 PM by patpur Star rating in Castle Bromwich Bir.... 389 forum posts Send private message

HI all l will drink to that Marie and Sharron,The progress is brilliant, if you read some of the threads on the mar y sol site you will read about some of the exciting plans for the area which will put our properties in a little hot spot , very good for the bank balance (another reason for a drink) roll on next year l cant wait, Regards Pat.

This message was last edited by patpur on 10/24/2007.

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24 Oct 2007 9:29 PM by Sharron W Star rating in Sutton Coldfield, We.... 152 forum posts Send private message

Sharron W´s avatar

Hi Guys,

Glad to see your back Pat hope you had a good trip - did you have your op as planned?

Will be checking out the supermarket tomorrow when we arrive to get a few supplies, so will let you know what we think when we return.

Camera is packed with plenty of spare batteries, will take lots of pics and post when I return.

Will be thinking of you all and the day when we can all meet up

Regards Sharron



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29 Oct 2007 2:48 PM by Sharron W Star rating in Sutton Coldfield, We.... 152 forum posts Send private message

Sharron W´s avatar

Hi Guys,

Had a fab time, nice to meet up with some of you who post on the forum, pity there was not more of us there.  Met a lovely couple who some of you already know who were looking after the apartment we used.  Would certainly recommend them if you are looking for a key holder, etc as they have made the permanent move to be there - send me a private message and I will give you their details.  They introduced us to the tapas at Sonia's in Benijorar - great food and even better company, tried out the spanish bar after for drinks.  Went to the Liffey on Saturday for one drink and have to say its pretty awful, its dark and has no atmosphere which is a shame, maybe it will pick up later - lets hope so - they do however seem to have been a target for breakins.  Went to the chinese, noticed the price had gone up by 1euro per meal, but still an absolute bargain, also went to Trasgu in the village which is always guaranteed to be good food and hospitality.

Driving turned out to be fine, was a tad nervous to start with but was fine, when I did drive the wrong side fortunately it was only little side streets.  Was rather impressed how easy it was to get about, although we did seen to go via Oriheala each time which has become a standing joke, so if you need directions we can help, although it took us half an hour to get out of the centre!!

Regards  Sharron

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29 Oct 2007 8:17 PM by mariec Star rating in Ireland. 21 forum posts Send private message

Hi Guys,

Sharon, I cant believe that you have been and are back again since I last looked at the site!!!  Your photos are just fab  !!!!!
Thanks so much for the amount of pics of the site.  There are such huge changes everytime we get an update. The quality of the work
is great. I really love the bathroom tiling. You sure packed in alot while you were there. Now you know what I mean ref the Irish pub - its a pity
but there is just something missing !!  The chinese gang must know that there is a massive english/irish invasion due - hence the increase
but its still great value !!!  did you visit the new supermarcado ?

Pat , hope you had a great time while you were over as well.  You are right about the development in the area - that complex on the cv940
will really bring life to the place.  As I keep saying - great times ahead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind Regards


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30 Oct 2007 11:26 AM by twiggy Star rating in Melksham, Wilts/ For.... 90 forum posts Send private message

Hello Sharron,

Great photos i cannot believe how much it has changed since July.

Did you go in the new supermarket?

I am going out again for christmas so i will take some more photos then.




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30 Oct 2007 2:10 PM by Sharron W Star rating in Sutton Coldfield, We.... 152 forum posts Send private message

Sharron W´s avatar

Hi Guys,

Yes we went into the supermarket - it was good, has everything you need.  Was advised they are more expensive than the big supermarkets, but we found it was still cheaper than back here.  The staff were lovely and were extremely helpful, they should make a good trade, just a bit worrying for the little shops in the village and the impact this will have on them, especially if they go ahead and build the big carrefour.

Found the pine forrest and the sand dunes at Guardamar - they had an airshow while we were there on the sea front.

Aparently there have been some issues with a certain rental company letting properties to Gypsies and also not declaring the properties they have let out to their owners, if anybody is thinking of using a management company, be careful who you use.

Sue, all photos's welcome, we regulary require update injection's.

Regards Sharron



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30 Oct 2007 4:51 PM by wailes Star rating in Coventry. 96 forum posts Send private message

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Yes, thanks for the photos its all coming along quickly now, soon it will be time to pay up!! before we know it we will all be old neighbours.

Christine & Geoff

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