Anyone out there Oct 11 -15th ? / Leaky Drains

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04 Oct 2007 12:00 AM by steve & jan Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steve & Jan here,
we are out to our apartment for a long weekend 11 - 15 October 2007, anyone out there at the same time / fancy meeting up ? Our spanish neighbour, who is resident, has had a quote from a local builder to repair our leaky drains. We'll find more details out while we are over and let you know how we get on.

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05 Oct 2007 5:38 PM by tanya Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steve and Jan! Why would you want to pay for leaky drains - is it NOT developer's fault? We've got problems with leaks as well - and apparently the flats under our flat have been affected - and our insurers rogether with management company are coming on Monday to investigate the cause of the problem. Most likely it's down to construction faults!

Hi everybody! I thought that perhaps many of you would be interested to read the impressions of our  friends who happen to be rental agents as well -  they visited the development in September and that's what they wrote to us:

"The swimming pool still has no water in it and it doesn't look as though anyone is looking after the development.  It looks the same there now as in when we went in January.  Our client was expecting to find a swimming pool and gardens.  People are walking there dogs behind the apartment entrance and it looks like a dogs toilet. "

And that's their advice - SHALL WE TAKE IT ON BOARD?!

"...You need to contact a forum like Eye on Spain and talk publicly about what is going on at Forest Hills. The more people see that others are complaining and getting together to do something, the more empowered they will feel and the more people that complain the more power you will have. Other people from the development will see it and respond. Things work differently here than in the UK. The more people that get together to put pressure on the Management Company and the Developers the more power you have. You are paying the Management Company to work for you, if they don't you can get together with the other owners and get rid of them and employ another Management Company.

Every town on the coast had a local election a couple of months ago. If you have a new Mayor in Estepona he may take great pleasure in rubbing his predecessors nose in the dirt. It was probably his predecessor that authorised the building of your development.

Ask the Management Company why the pool isn't usable and are you paying for someone to look after it. Each community has a gardener or grounds man to look after the upkeep of the development. Ask how many are there and what do they do.



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07 Oct 2007 6:49 PM by steve & jan Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tanya, we will obviously be very interested to see how you fare with the developer and your insurers. As I said we are out there this week so we'll talk to our neighbour and see if she can find anything out. We agree with you, its almost certainly down to construction faults but nothing seems to be happening. We have never had any direct contact with the "Management Company" or the developers, does anybody have a contact name or e-mail address ? We can only agree with the rental agents views, we have been out 4 times this year and very little, if any, progress has been made. We withheld our community fees as a protest but we then received notices indicating fines would be imposed so we have now paid up to date.

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08 Oct 2007 1:22 PM by tanya Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steve and Jan! Pls check your private messages - I did send you contact numbers for the developer.  Will do the same for anyone who's interested! However, it's not easy to get hold of him! And we've never managed to contact the management company and considered stop paying our fees as well.  By the way - who actually warned you about fines? Perhaps, those responsible for the upkeep of the development? We really need to get together and do something about it - perhaps even write to the Mayor or go for a legal action.

Has anyone appointed a management company to look after their flats? We've done it recently - and find it useful. Perhaps our individual management companies could join forces to push those responsible to make the development a bit better?  


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30 Oct 2007 12:31 PM by tanya Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi! Just to let you know that we are going to Estepona on November 22 - to stay for a week - is anyone else planning to be there? We'd love to meet up neighbours.

Our leak by the way has been amended and the flat repainted. The development as a whole is still in a very poor state - that's what our management company says.  The questions is - are we going to do about it anything at all?

One thought - we've appointed a management company to look after our flat - has anyone done it as well? perhaps, we could ask our respective management companies to joint their forces and press with the community administration to do some changes?

If you get this message - do reply please. Our forum feels like a very lonely place for quite a while now.




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30 Oct 2007 6:30 PM by steve & jan Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tanya, as previously posted we visited earlier in October and agree that very little external progress has been made, pool is dirty and has no water, no gardens to speak of etc. On the plus side we repaired and repainted our interior wall in August and although there has been some rainfall there has been no far ! It is possible that our spanish resident neighbour has managed to get the repair work done, we will see. Would love to be out there in November but due to lack of any more holiday time this year i don't think we'll be back out until early next year. On your previous post you said you had sent an e-mail to my private messages, I have no idea why but I have not received it, I have tried to send one to yours perhaps you could let me know if you receive it. Thanks. Bye for now !
Steve & Jan.

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30 Dec 2007 10:41 AM by joelstow Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message


I am a UK buyer looking to buy one the the 5th floor duplex apartments in block 5.  Can anyone advise if the parking situation has been resolved as I have heard that the developer is charging 12,000 euros for the bays. 

Also wondered if the work on the exterior and the pool area has been completed.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Many Thanks



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