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12 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by stefann Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hello everybody,


I´m just eager to know about handing over of phase 2. I see that someone mention january 08 and someone summer 08. I haven´t talked to Lyndsay at Atlantia for a while and thoght I could spend Christmas and New Year there but now i´m not so sure anymore. Does anyone have fresh information?

I see you talk in this forum about different furniture packs  and i just thought i could mention IKEA since i am from Sweden. They also provide delivery and they put the furniture together if you need that service too. Closest shop in Murcia. I think i will go for that myself. Take a look at

Has anyone heard about when to choose whitegoods for the kitchen? Perhaps it´s too early yet.

If anyone has got recent photos of the developement i would be only too happy if you could e-mail me.


Stefan Nystrom


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23 Jan 2008 10:39 PM by SARAH CHESTER Star rating in Yorkshire and Isla P.... 28 forum posts Send private message



We have just received an e-mail from our agents saying that Atlantia have been in touch with them.  Handover is expected to be end of Feb, beginning of March.  I know we have heard all this before, but this is the first time our agents have been in touch since we gave them our deposit two years ago, so it sounds quite promising to us.

Has anybody else received any information regarding phase 2?






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27 Jan 2008 10:52 AM by stefann Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sarah, and all interested in Phase 2. Yes we recieved this info on the hand over as well. Lyndsay called shortly after christmas and said february/march. We have contacted a solicitor to get the help needed to finalize things. The inspection of the house i think i will do myself while leaving the paperwork to the solicitor. Have tried to get a date from Lyndsay for the handover but it is probably a little bit to early yet. Haven´t been down there for over 2 years so i am very eager to see what it looks like. We have made some changes to the spec of the house and just hope it looks like expected. Lyndsay said it would be possible they provided us with whitegoods for the kitchen, AC, and they could also provide landscaping as extra service. I do not know what to think of this, arrange myself, or hand over to them? Does anybody have experiences or suggestions to this? regards Stefan

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12 Feb 2008 1:03 PM by rogerm Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

12 Feb 2008 10:29 PM by LaChica Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

We had an email from Lyndsay at Atlantia to ask for our NIEs in December. She said they were looking at handover at end of Feb. I then emailed our agents, Mercers, as the last photo we had was in April 2007, and it showed concrete stilts and not much else. We assumed that because we'd had no updates, there had been no progress. We had an email back confirming that Atlantia are saying end Feb/March but that she would not hold her breath.

Stefann, you ask about AirCon. We have decided to go for aircon, not for the cooling but for the heating. It can get very chilly in winter and we thought that rather than having to buy heaters for each room, then possibly aircon if we need it, we will choose the modern heat/cooling unit. I haven't yet asked for a quote though.

The design of the houses, with the high stairwell, is, I think, designed to catch the breeze so that the air blows through from the terrace and out the stairwell window, creating a chimney effect and drawing hot air up and out. If that works then maybe aircon will not be necessary.

There are a number of companies offering furniture/white goods packs. Personally, I have experience of PuertoMobel, in Puerto de Mazarron. We had excellent service, helpful, excellent installation service spot on the time they promised. The price was very reasonable, not much more than supermarket prices but with the advantage of 'small company' service. The TV broke down almost a year after we bought it and they were very helpful, replaced it straight away, even though I had lost the receipt. Also, the lady on the Reception desk speaks good English but was very patient with my efforts to explain in Spanish, I even got a mini-lesson on correct grammar one day. (Pity I've forgotten it now).

We will probably use IKEA for furniture. We like their design and will be counting the pennies after paying out all the taxes etc - especially given the fall in the euro exchange rate.




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