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10 Nov 2007 10:06 PM:

I did and not too far down the road. At the time Campsol did not seem to want me and my children so I moved. Now they are fluent in Spanish and have many friends.The Spanish seem to resent Camposol because it has pushed prices up but that is market forces for you. The developers get rich and do not pass the profit to the local economy.
It has many problems but I am sure it will eventually become part of Mazarron.

Thread: Mazarron anyone?

10 Nov 2007 8:12 PM:

Talker is not an estate agent, just someone who bought on Camposol many moons ago and got fed up with all the hassle that moving to Spain was supposed to be without...from the builders, the council and the residents. So I sold and moved on. It had/still has the potential to be a really good place to live especially with the new roads that have gone in lately. As far as Polaris World is concerned this can only have a positive effect on Camposol - you get much better value for money on Camposol. But the constant infighting (if you live there you know what I mean) MASA / Council beligerence to services just drag the reputation of the place down. As for calling it little England let me see: requesting permission to have a fiesta to celebrate Bonfire Night in a Catholic country makes a lot of sense. I am a Celt too, an Irish Catholic one at that.
I do not mean to slag the place off but to potential investors in the dream holiday home you have to be aware of the problems which are, quite simply, being ignored by the powers that be. Interesting to see how the political parties made such a big deal of getting your votes and have done bugger all about the problems since. No surprise really, politics are the same the world over.

Thread: Mazarron anyone?

09 Nov 2007 10:07 PM:

Look the place is rubbish. Full of infighting, the council do not want to know, the builder doesn't  care once you have paid the money. Lots of old people who do not want young residents especially with children...it is a retirement home. The websites you refer to are launching a counter offensive saying it is a good place to live only because the negative reports mean they cannot sell the houses. Steer clear, if ever there was a little England this is it. Why bother moving to Spain if all you are going to do is buy a house , build a 10 ft wall and go to the bars on the local commercial center?
Mazarron is a really god place to live but pay a bit more and live in Mazarron (or surrounding areas)  rather than England in the sun (together with chippie,friday night fight night , wannabe town councilers with too much time and very little to do).
Great mix of nationalities consists of what part of the uk are you from

Thread: Mazarron anyone?


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