¿Quien es strewth?

Send strewth a private message

Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... little fat git

Vivo en... Spain

Me gusta... yeah,right,with this fat?

Trabajo de... too fat to work

Mi firma en el foro es...

Too fat to boogie!!  

strewth's latest forum comments

07 Jul 2011 2:19 PM:

 Leonard Cohen AND scotch? You should be so lucky.

Thread: I see the Doom & Gloom Merchants have taken over the site again

25 Nov 2010 11:47 AM:



Thread: Web site for San Cayetano

23 Nov 2010 5:05 PM:

Hi Justin

Same browser for last five years, INTERNET EXPLORER.


Thread: Web site for San Cayetano

18 Nov 2010 12:00 AM:


Is it just me or is the web site looking a little untidy? The script seems to be overlapping other script and the forum page seems to have slipped to the left.

Can you tell me why I no longer receive alerts via email for private messages in my inbox?

Colin (Strewth).

Thread: Web site for San Cayetano

25 Feb 2007 12:00 PM:

Hi Tina,

Congratulations .... you have your own thread.

Is it true that when you move to Spain, you are going to bred tom cats that will SPRAY, not their own scent, but JOHNSON AND JOHNSONS CLEANSING LOTION?

Speak to you soon.


Gill xxx

Thread: Where's Tinasolero ?


Communities strewth has joined

Hacienda San Cayetano

strewth' blogs

strewth's rentals

strewth's properties for sale

Spain insurance services

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