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16 Jul 2012 4:55 PM:

Nigel 188

the tel. no. is no longer in use, there is a recorded message giving out the "800" no. -  back to the drawing board -  thanks anyway for your assistance.


16 Jul 2012 4:27 PM:

Hi,  can anyone help -  my electriticy has been disconnected due to missing payment by d/d -   when I viewed the bills online it was a bill outstanding from last year all subsequent bills were paid on time,  I received no notification of disconnection and only came to light when I rented the apartment and when they arrived no electricity.  Anyway  I managed to pay the outstanding bill last week Friday 13th July by taking a copy of the bill into the post office and they scanned the bar code (fortunately my daughter was over there for a week and did this for me)..  Does anyone know what is the next procedure,  will the electricity come back on automatically.  I cannot contact anyone at Endesa on a the customer serv to let them know all bills paid . tel. no. 800 760 333 (not able to dial from UK).  In the past there was a chatroom facility on Endesa website whereby you could talk online but this facility is no longer available!  I am getting desperate since I have people arriving this Wednesday and hope the elec. is turned back on by then.   It is so frustrating since I am in the UK at the moment and it is impossible to speak on the phone with them.


many thanks






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