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27 Sep 2009 12:15 PM:

Thanks guys, I've done the circuit with the newspapers and they all say the same thing, a paid classified ad. It's not paying that bothers me (well I'm far from rich) but I don't mind paying a few quid here and there. It's knowing that he's not going to see it, he doesn't even know I'm in Spain so it's unlikely he'll look.

Thanks for the suggestions anyway :)

Thread: Do you know my Grandad? Please look :)

26 Sep 2009 12:00 AM:

My Grandad recently contacted my Mum after several years of not seeing each other, I was ecstatic to learn this and couldn’t wait to go and meet him, but alas me and my mum had a blazing row and now she refuses to give me his address.

The only information I have about him is as follows:

His name is Anthony Haynes (Tony for short)
He lives in Malága in a two bedroomed townhouse (Which is white in the picture that I have of him)
He has a partner (Or did the last I knew!) He is originally from London and is a retired bus driver. He was married to my nanna, Marjorie Haynes and subsequently had my Mum, Nicola Haynes.
He is tall and has grey hair and is a ladies man! Being quite partial to German women (Or so I have heard!)
He has a problem with his back which requires surgery-he may actually have had the op now.

This really means a lot to me as I have three children who I know he is dying to meet, it’s just so sad that it has come to this in order for me to try and find him. I can’t search for him through telephone records as he only has a mobile, so other than this I’m stumped.

I don’t expect anything other than if someone who reads this knows him-please tell him I’m trying to find him. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.

Thread: Do you know my Grandad? Please look :)


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