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dunworkin's latest forum comments

09 May 2024 11:25 AM:

Mi amiga Carolina is an engineer in the military.  She is part of a mobile team which will be in Rhonda for the month of June.  She needs to find a room to rent in Rhonda for the week days, on the weekends she wil be at home with her family near Almería.  Are there any Rhonda habitantes here who would like to host her?  Carolina is learning English, and is keen to help English speakers practice speaking Spanish.   If you can offer a room to rent for the month of June please contact me on 642530649 

Thread: Seeking help in Rhonda

11 Nov 2018 4:16 PM:

Cif kitchen cleaning spray works a treat and seems to be a permanent solution if you can also find the nest and give it a good dose.  

Thread: Ants, ants and more ants!!!!!

15 Jul 2017 1:17 PM:

** EDITED - moving off thread **


Thread: Spanish health care versus NHS.......No contest

09 Apr 2016 6:49 PM:

I think the siesta is Spain's best invention and this practice ought to be extended throughout the EU in line with global warming. 

Thread: Spain to Stop Siestas


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