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blue marty's latest forum comments

09 Jul 2008 1:05 PM:

hi, I have been offered a swap from Hippodroma site to Las Brisas, Benalmadena.
Problem !!  Swap 3 bed / 2 bath grd flr. for 2 bed / 2 bath at a location that i didnt choose & have the privilege of paying an extra £66,000. Plus the fact that they have had all of my deposit & interest for the last 5 yrs! Do you trust them or is it just a way out of the situation your in? Do you really think that even what seems like a last resort will go smoothly when dealing with what we all believe to be a bunch of "£$%^&*"

                                                     blue marty

Thread: Anyone ever succesfully swapped to another completed Aifos Development ?


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