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01 Sep 2017 3:45 PM:

Many thanks for your reply, but I just need some advice on whether I have to fill in a Spanish quarterly Tax return as well as a British tax return if I declare the taxes to HMRC? Thanks Tony

my Gestor is saying it has to be through the Spanish system and HMRC are saying it has to be where you pay your main taxes? Totally confused




Thread: Tax advice please renting through summer.

30 Aug 2017 6:54 PM:

Hi, Folks,

I know this has most probably been discussed a million times but I am getting a headache now!!

I am a UK resident paying tax in the UK with 1 rental property in Calpe.  I understand I need to pay tax on my rental income and can offset some costs, but what I need to know is Who do I pay the Tax to?? If it is the Uk as this is were my Taxes are paid or would this mean that I am required to complete a tax return in Spain also?  As well as the UK.



Thread: Tax advice please renting through summer.


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