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09 Feb 2019 9:16 PM:

Not longer a resident, but I am hoping to in the future. From what I understand to be entitled to a reduced spanish state pension I have to have contributed  for 15 years but two of those years have to be within 10 or 15 years ?? before retirement. It's over 15 years ago that I made the S.S. contributions so I have to make at least another two years. With Brexit I may not be able to make those two other contributions and therefore was wondering if its possible to make volunartary contributions when I am not resident there, as can be done in the UK for expats. I am hoping to be elegible for a full UK state pension AND a part Spanish pension, independently, and not to count the contributions together to make up one full pension. I understand that this is possible. A part pension may be small, but I would need a substantial  amount in the bank earning interest to generate this income, and therfore it may be worth pursuing. Thanks for you previous response.


Thread: Social Security Contributions

08 Feb 2019 2:05 PM:

I was resident and working as Autonomos in Spain for over 15 years and I'm now working elsewhere abroad. As can be done in the UK, can I make voluntary S.S. contributions in Spain in order to maintain any future pension entitlements?



Thread: Social Security Contributions


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