Wedding Plans
"Well, we've just got back from the Ayuntamiento. We now know that the wedding can go ahead either 4th or 5th July, provided we get out fingers out and collect the mountain of paperwork needed.
So tomorrow we're off to Alicante to get all the documents. Everything needs to be translated from English to Spanish and then notarised. The Consul can do all this, but it will be no surprise that they will charge 100 euros for each document... let me see, two birth certificates, two divorce papers, two no impediment documents, passports - we're up to 800 euros and they're bound to find another one. Oh, what price love?
We're going to La Marina tomorrow night to hear/see a duo and if they come up to scratch, we're going to book them for the party on the roof.
I'll let you know how we get on at the Consul.
Last Updated: 4/6/2009 7:27:50 PM
Lifetime Views: 4456
My View of Spanish Life
"We've just moved to Spain and this is my experience of the first three weeks, for what it's worth"
Last Updated: 3/25/2009 8:03:19 PM
Lifetime Views: 5151
Wedding Plans - update
Last Updated: 7/13/2009 11:57:10 PM
Lifetime Views: 13113