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Hacienda San Cayetano forum threads
The Comments
10 Apr 2007 12:00 AM by paul7chris Star rating in west yorkshire. 31 forum posts Send private message


If there is anyone out in Spain at the moment could they please check something for us. We have a site electric post in our garden ( No 23D Manzana 3, which is on the apartment end of the inner quads)  and it should have been removed by now . Could you tell us if it has.were not having any joy trying to contact Taray , e-mailed them twice, still no reply.

                   Many Thanks

     Christine and Paul

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10 Apr 2007 3:16 PM by volfen Star rating in San Cayetano. 97 forum posts Send private message

volfen´s avatar

Hi C & P...we have sent you a private email re your question, will give you an answer tomorrow evening

Sheila y Alan

Sheila and Alan

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11 Apr 2007 3:09 PM by paul7chris Star rating in west yorkshire. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi Volfen

Our lawer contacted us today and said Taray have not removed the post yet, I know as arranged you will be kind enough to confirm this .


                                         Many Thanks


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11 Apr 2007 4:28 PM by volfen Star rating in San Cayetano. 97 forum posts Send private message

volfen´s avatar

Hi Christine

I have posted 2 photographs, clearly showing the offending eletricity pole still trespassing on your property.  It is one in a line of poles, and it is difficult to imagine where Taray would actually move it to !...apart from somebody elses garden ><                    When you are due to revisit, quad No 6 is now the customer services office, manned by Helda, who is empowered to get things done, or undone...whichever is the case.  Hope this is of some help  to you.     Alan y Sheila   aka Volfen.                        

Sheila and Alan

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11 Apr 2007 7:44 PM by paul7chris Star rating in west yorkshire. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alan and Sheila

Thankyou very much for checking for us, and very professional too including the photos. If whilst you are visiting the site over the next 2 weeks and the post dissappears would you mind POSTING a meesage on EOS (no pun intended ). We are due out there on the 28th April and hope to have completed by then, if the post ever gets moved first.

   Many Thanks


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