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Peraleja Golf forum threads
The Comments
06 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by stephenfletcher Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


I am new to this site and also think it is a great idea. The more we can pass on information and assist each other the better.

I like the rest of you am looking forward to spending time on the resort and will be visiting in March to see the further progress. I intend to use the villa as a holiday home with lettings mainly to friends/relatives. Am I correct in not expecting too many facilities to be ready (hotel, sports, supermarket) or is there some timetable on these. These facilities will make letting much easier.   

Seems like there will be a few of us out in December at the opening - maybe we should all get together then and share information, email addresses etc in order to foster some community spirit and assistance without disturbing each others privacy.

Also are any of you considering golf membership/debenture? Any advice would be appreciated. I did not really want to buy a debenture but have heard that these can increase in value as much as the property! 


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