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Walking the world

Walking has always been a big part of my life. It is the most sustainable travel possible. Tread carefully on the earth.

Walking the World
Wednesday, September 11, 2024 @ 4:40 PM

We continue our walking the world theme, and have twinned it with food and wine, which is, of course, very popular in Spain.  We love the food in Spain and some of, oddly enough, is similar to that in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where there are cultural links, and even on Orkney, where there are cultural links with Westray and even in Shetland with the Fair Isle.  Prawns are a favourite dish all round. From gambas del pil pil to king prawns, to spicy praws, or the old favourite, prawn cocktails which.   Prawns are easy to digest so when you are walking you don't feel heavy and bloated as you climb the hills of the Sierras Alpugarras or the Almijaras in the south, or the hills around Asturias.  The latter has some magnificent dishes, which you can enjoy as you are out and about on the Caminos.

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