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I am positive about the property Spanish market. I believe it's still a good one for investors and people who want to have a place in Spain. The good point of the current crisis is that prices still have a way to drop. Probably we will see better opportunities for everybody.

The Spanish property market gets more aggressive
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 @ 3:06 AM



The banks have started the race of selling Spanish repossessed houses and flats by offering large price discounts and also by decreasing lending to buyers coming from State Agents.

Banesto, La Caixa, CAM and Caja Madrid have launched aggressive marketing campaigns to attract home buyers in order to reduce their stock. Like in a high street after Christmas, buyers have now 50% off marketing campaigns plus added value messages such as “we –the Bank- pay the notary cost” among others.

But the strategy of the Banks does not seem to be limited to marketing and discounts. The General Council of the Association on Spanish States Agents (Consejo General de los Colegios de Agentes de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria (COAPI)) has recently reported that 70% of the property sales of State Agents are “blocked” by the Banks because the clients do not get finance. In short: the Council point out that the Banks only finance Bank’s property transactions.

Read the completed article and its conclussions: Spanish Bank property portfolio

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