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Moving to Spain

Spain Calls Me provides concrete advice for someone actually contemplating a move to Spain. The blog is chockfull of tips based on research and many hours interviewing expats.

Using the Spanish Postal Service (Part II)
Monday, April 26, 2010 @ 7:12 PM

I know most people now who send Christmas greetings download one of those free whizzy bang animated versions but call me old fashion.  I know it costs more and takes some effort but I like to buy the paper kind.  This way I can write a little note rather than using a boilerplate change the name message.

If you have a stack of identical envelopes going to the same country here is a tip that will save you time.  Several expats I know have found that when they visit the oficina de correos the clerk will go into slow motion mode and weigh each one, even if they are all the same size and even color, to determine the cost of postage.  Friends have told me the average time per piece was around :20 to :30 seconds.


If you face the same situation here are a couple of suggestions.  One, bring a copy of War and Peace to read while you wait.


Two, give the clerk one envelope and find out the cost.  Then purchase additional stamps in that denomination, apply them to your envelopes, and drop them in the mail slot at the post office.  Not exactly rocket science.

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