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Bogus law firms in Spain
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ 9:48 PM

I was reviewing some articles today for this week's EOS newsletter when I came across one article that had been sent to us by a Spanish lawyer who I'd never heard of.

The article was actually really good but always being careful I decided to just do some research about them on the Internet before adding it to the newsletter.

It didn't take long to find out that they are actually an illegal law firm, and digging a little bit more I found that there are actually quite a few of these around.

Not wanting to be faced with any more threats for legal action against me for publishing information about dodgy companies in Spain, I thought I'd just refer you to this thread on the belagal forum which lists bogus legal firms that they know of.

It's sad that these things still go on and the more exposure they get the better.

It's a good reminder to ALWAYS do your own research before committing to any company or individual.  And this doesn't just apply to Spain.

Suffice to say that I won't be include the article in the newsletter this week.

Be safe!

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