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Realise your own magnificence

We are on the brink of a worldwide transformation of consciousness. Join me as I post information and features exploring the insanity and insidious agenda of our current control system and guide you to a greater awareness and perspective of your own true inner magnificence.

Nada Brahma - The sound of the universe
Monday, July 15, 2013 @ 2:00 PM



The very fabric of the universe is filled with resonating frequencies of vibration, sound and light. This knowledge was considered so sacred in ancient wisdom that many religions have attributed sound as the source of all creation. Our cutting edge science is beginning to reveal that all matter has its own unique ‘sound’. What we perceive through our limited five senses as solid separated structure is at its most fundamental level, an interacting vibrational frequency of energy bringing to light hidden principles and universal laws that underlie all natural processes.

The use of music and the vibration of sound to heal, inspire and communicate has been around for as long as humanity and has interwoven all the different cultures, religions, and countries throughout our collective history. It is used to great effect throughout many diverse applications to change moods, to bring about transformations in consciousness, to worship, to torture and, most importantly, to heal. A multi-billion pound industry is built upon music, rich and broad in diversity, and a vast majority of people around the world use it and are deeply affected by it, every day of their lives.

The shift and change in perception and awareness regarding matters of individual health has coincided with a paradigm shift in our understanding of the true nature of reality and ourselves with the findings over the last 20 years in the field of quantum physics. Although there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that this knowledge has been around many thousands of years, our recent scientific dogma is crumbling under the weight of these findings and humanity is beginning to slowly wake up to see itself in a whole new light and the incredible power of sound is beginning to be rediscovered.

Science has recently started to document that everything that exists in the physical, mental and emotional realms has its own frequency of vibration. As this information begins to permeate our collective consciousness, we are awakening to some profound implications as to what this can mean for our health and well being. The most fundamental of these being that if through dis-ease, an internal organ is functioning with an imbalanced frequency, is it possible to heal it through sending out the correct frequency that organ should resonate from?

The pioneering work of Dr Hans Jenny brought to life the incredible process of sound turning into form. Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena. By using simple sine waves (pure tones) Dr Jenny was able to animate inert powder and liquids into geometric forms incredibly mirroring those found in nature, art and sacred geometry. As in other areas of alternative medicine, this is clearly a very exciting time. Could needles soon be swapped for tuning forks for a treatment of sonopuncture? As we rediscover this ancient knowledge, we are on the brink of once again appreciating and understanding the true healing power of sound.    

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