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Trust: Pedro Salinas,1950. Free translation by Maria
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 8:16 PM

Pedro Salinas: Confianza, 1950.                      Pedro Salinas: Trust, 1950.

Mientras haya                                                        As there is
alguna ventana abierta,                                      any open window
ojos que vuelven del sueño,                              eyes back from a dream
otra mañana que empieza.                                a new  beginning morning 

Mar con olas trajineras                                      a sea with strong waves
—mientras haya—                                             ----- as there is-------
trajinantes de alegrías,                                     merchants of joys
llevándolas y trayéndolas.                                bringing and taking them

Lino para la hilandera                                      linen for the spinner
árboles que se aventuren,                              trees for  a venture
—mientras haya—                                            ------ as there is-----
y viento para la vela.                                          and wind for the sail.

Jazmín, clavel, azucena,                                 Jasmine, carnation, white lilies
donde están, y donde no                                where they are and where they are not
en los nombres que los mientan.                in the names that mention them

Mientras haya                                                    As there is
sombras que la sombra niegan,                  shadows that deny the shadow,
pruebas de luz, de que es luz                        proof of light, that it is light
todo el mundo, menos ellas.                         all the world, but them.

Agua como se la quiera                                  Water as it is wanted
—mientras haya—                                           ---- as there is----
voluble por el arroyo,                                        fickle through the brook,
fidelísima en la alberca.                                  faithful in the pool.

Tanta fronda en la sauceda,                           So much frond by the willows,
tanto pájaro en las ramas                               so many birds on the bushes
—mientras haya—                                            ------ as there is---
tanto canto en la oropéndola.                        so much singing by the oriole.

Un mediodía que acepta                               A midday which accepts
serenamente su sino                                     calmly its fate
que la tarde le revela.                                     revealed by the noon.

Mientras haya                                                  As there is
quien entienda la hoja seca,                        who understands the dried leaf
falsa elegía, preludio                                     false elegy, prelude
distante a la primavera.                                 distant from springtime.

Colores que a sus ausencias                    Colours that their absences
—mientras haya—                                         ----- as there is------
siguiendo a la luz se marchan                   leave  by following the light
y siguiéndola regresan.                               and they return by following it

Diosas que pasan ligeras                          Goddesses who pass very quickly
pero se dejan un alma                                 but they left a soul
—mientras haya—                                        ---- as there is----
señalada con sus huellas.                          marked with their traces

Memoria que le convenza                            Memory that convinces
a esta tarde que se muere                          this dying afternoon
de que nunca estará muerta.                      that she will never be dead

Mientras haya                                                As there is
trasluces en la tiniebla,                               slides within the darkness,
claridades en secreto,                                 ights in secret,
noches que lo son apenas.                       hardly nights.

Susurros de estrella a estrella                 Whispers from star to star
—mientras haya—                                      ----- as there is----
Casiopea que pregunta                             Cassiopeia who asks
y Cisne que la contesta.                             and Cygnus who answers

Tantas palabras que esperan,                So many words waiting for
invenciones, clareando                             inventions, doing
—mientras haya—                                      ---as there is----
amanecer de poema.                                a poem´s  dawning.

Mientras haya                                             As there is
lo que hubo ayer, lo que hay hoy,           what yesterday had , what today has
lo que venga.                                              whatever it  will come.


I love this poem by Pedro Salinas. Perfect for a September afternoon.


By Maria L. de Castro


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