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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 1034. Starting a scooter hire company in Spain
Monday, September 23, 2013 @ 3:21 PM

Just a serie of questions and answers from the Forum today:

1, Is there any type of permission i need to run such a business? No specific one. You will have to register as an Autonomo or SL, get registered at the Tax office and hire the corresponding civil liability insurances

2, Is the process of starting up such a business a lengthy process? It is not. 24hours with the new Express License which will enter into force very soon with the New Enterpreneurs Act.

3, I will be importing the scooters from China, whats the relative costs for this? Do I get slapt for 100% import tax or the like??

It will depend on number of scooters, but as a general answer:

- Transport 200-500€
- Expenses in Spain Harbour: 400-800€
 -Customs clearance: 120-400€
 -Customs duty: 6%
- Taxes: 16% VAT plus 4% of equivalence surcharge
I do hope this helps! ;)
"Baelo Claudia", Bolonia, Tarifa, Cadiz, South western Spain, at

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Lin-marguerite said:
Monday, September 23, 2013 @ 4:48 PM

Hi Maria is there a way to look at your earlier blogs? I seem to have a limited amount to look at and there a couple from around July August that I wanted to re read?

mariadecastro said:
Monday, September 23, 2013 @ 4:50 PM

Email They will be happy to provide access

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