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El blog de Maria

Your daily Spanish Law reporter. Have it with a cafe con leche.

Legal tip 962. Portugal and no Law 57/68
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 @ 1:46 PM

From a conversation yesterday with a client with off-plan problems in Portugal.

She has no possibility of acting against related financial institutions, maybe just against the solicitor who conducted conveyancing.

How good is that Spain, back in 1968, established different legal guarantees for the protection of advanced amounts in off plan proyects. Show of how mature our legal order is in this aspect.

Natural Area "Santa Lucía", near Vejer, Cádiz, Southwest of Spain.

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Sanda said:
Sunday, June 2, 2013 @ 5:56 PM

Maria we lost our lawsuit at first instance using Law 57/68 because we signed the convenio so now we are appealing and our five year nightmare in Spain continues

Paula said:
Friday, June 14, 2013 @ 12:03 AM

Sandra we are similar we lodged our appeal in March but still no date for the appeal we dont know how long more it will continue it just goes on and on and on...


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