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Terrazas de la Torre Golf Resort forum threads
The Comments
21 Nov 2007 12:00 AM by joygreg Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

We were in Spain last week and visited the Terrazes site. There was a lot of activity, about 40 cranes working and lorries continually going in and out. We have bought one of the penthouse apartments so are relieved to see the work under way.


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21 Nov 2007 5:08 PM by dimala Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

I emailed our agent in Spain half an hour ago (Mike Knivet, Sunseeker Homes) to find out what exactly is or isnt happening at Terrazas.  He phoned me immediately, and has assured me that the only reason changes have been made is that Polaris were refused permission to build so many properties. A couple of the later phases have been cancelled and, as we know, discounts offered to relocate those buyers affected. Otherwise, all is going ahead as planned. (We have purchased on phase 2)

Mike has taken some construction photos  which can be viewed on

Just click on 'images and videos' and then on 'construction photographs' on the Las Terrazas link for November 07  



This message was last edited by dimala on 11/21/2007.

This message was last edited by dimala on 11/21/2007.

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21 Nov 2007 8:11 PM by dream girl Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

Just viewed the photos you spoke about i was very impressed seems to be a lot of work going on at last.We have also bought on phase 2 after moving from condado am very disappointed with the time scale when we signed 2 years ago we should have been completing next month.We had a phone call yesterday from a bank in spain asking if we wanted our mortgage next month,had to explain that property hasnt been built yet. does anyone know when phase 2 is going to be built? I just want somewhere to escape to preferably before i retire.

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22 Nov 2007 10:04 AM by Holly Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

We bought on Phase 3 (re-classified as Phase 9) which is being cancelled.  We bought at off-plan prices over two years ago. We are being offered key-ready apartments at a discount on the current key-ready price only, not on the off-plan price for them, so it's not really a discount for us at all, i.e. we probably could have got them cheaper two years ago !!!   Personally, I'm suspicious about the cancellation being a planning issue.  I think the demand for these properties has not materialised and that is why they will not be built.

We just want a refund.


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22 Nov 2007 11:38 AM by simmons Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Don't  know if you have already seen this link. Some very good photos posted from another forum


Alan & Tina


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22 Nov 2007 12:40 PM by Chiz Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

Pics very helpful - thanks.

I posted the following comment in a rant about lack of communication from PW in the Phase 3 ???  thread a few days ago ......

"We bought on Phase 2 in July 2006 the property is now listed as being on Phase 7.   Apparently the change was made in March 2007 and we found out by chance because we were in the PW head office in September 07 and happened to spot it on a plan. "

Looking at this thread where Dreamgirl and Dimala refer to buying on phase 2 - can I ask, was that Phase 2 as of pre March 2007 or Phase 2 post March 2007?  I'm becoming very confused - any help / advice / comments etc would be much appreciated.

Holly, the fact that phase 3 was redesignated phase 9 and then cancelled scares me a bit!  We'll be very interested to know how you get on with getting a refund.

I'm OK with a slightly smaller resort but now we're on Phase 7 it's getting a bit too close!!

We are beginning to wish that we had heard of Sunseeker Homes and Mike Knivett early in 2006 before we entered this arena.      From all accounts Mike is very pro-active and responsive to quries and seems to have his finger in the right pulse at PW.


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22 Nov 2007 6:53 PM by dream girl Star rating. 23 forum posts Send private message

I had no idea these phase no had changed so not realy sure where we are at the moment we bought through parador and have spoken to them today re when our phase will be started they siad they would contact polaris and get back ti me. They  arent that helpful and dont seem to get much info from polaris.

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22 Nov 2007 9:26 PM by Whitey Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone managed to get a refund yet ?

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23 Nov 2007 10:30 AM by Chiz Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

dream girl - sorry if I poured oil on trobled waters but I'm with you - "I just want somewhere to escape to preferably before I retire".

I get quite upset when I read the stuff that is written on these forums and even the things I've written myself because the end product that Polaris produce is, in my view, first rate. I get frustrated because they are spoiling the experience by their lack of communication and lack of ability to give anyone (agents or clients) any up-to-date or correct information.

But on a positive note the work has started at TdlT and the pics show that there is progress; so the further they get the more 'accurate' the information is likely to be.  Am I allowed to say that everything comes to those who wait?


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23 Nov 2007 12:41 PM by Holly Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

We've just been informed verbally by a PW representative that we can get a refund of our deposit due to the Phase 3 cancellation.  Although we got a heavy sales pitch for transferring to the Isla first.  It will take approximately 4 weeks to receive it.  Relief!!!   We bought strictly for investment reasons and no longer feel it is a good purchase.  Good luck to all of you who are purchasing for life style reasons.  I'm sure it will be very nice and worth the wait in the long term.


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