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United Golf Resorts la Tercia forum threads
The Comments
04 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by sush Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

I sat down recently and thought to myself 'what is this all costing me'!

I did have an idea but i could be way off the mark. Therefore can any one help me with my projections of Per Annum & Monthly costs as detailed below:

  Per Annum Per Month
United Golf    
Costs & Charges    
Utilities £110 £9.17
Community Charges £1,035 £86.25
Insurances £65 £5.42
Property Owners Tax £175 £14.58
Local Rates & Rubbish £160 £13.33
Fiscal Representative £150 £13
Maintenance 600 £50.00
Estimated Total £2,295 £601.25

Hopefully soemone out there can help and i don't mind if i am way off the mark as long as i have got a near enough figure i could go by...



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05 Sep 2007 3:11 PM by lynnbenton2001 Star rating in Staffordshire. 20 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sush,

I'm no expert on the actual breakdown, but your arithmetic on the monthly amount has gone a bit awry! It gave me heart failure! I think it should read £191.25!





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29 Dec 2007 1:10 PM by Dave&Shell Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Hi Everyone both me and my husband (Shell and Dave) have bought a property (Phase 1 M15 + C, Block B03, Model Tee on La Tercia).  This is the first time we have been on the message board and as newcomers have lots of questions which we hope you can help us with!

1)  Does anyone actually know when Phase 1 will definately be completed - We were told Jul/Aug 08 as completion date?

2)  Does anyone know what the actual monthly and annual charges are altogether (a breakdown of these charges would very much be appreciated)?

3)  Does anyone know how much rental charges and Management Services(i.e., Advertising Rental/Cleaning Services etc) are for these apartments?

Hope someone can provide us or at least point us in the right direction to obtaining this information.

Would just like to wish all our new neighbours a Merry Christmas and all the Best for the coming New Year!

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29 Dec 2007 3:56 PM by davey Star rating in Wigan /La Tercia Mur.... 205 forum posts Send private message

davey´s avatar

Hello Shell and Dave,

I will try and help you with your questions,

1. We are still awaiting 1st phase completion dates to be issued by UGR,  still awaiting some legal paperwork to be completed by UGR .  Although we do expect completions  to start soon,  there are around 600 properties to be completed on phase 1, so a full 1st phase completion could well be july / aug 08.  We do know that the notary, can only sign off around 20 / 25 properties a day.

2.  On one of the other topics regarding charges,  there is a little information regarding community fees etc but again nothing in black and white.

3. Regarding property management charges , there a quite a few companies out there offering there services but make sure you do your homework on these companies.

I hope this is of some help to you, I am sure other owners will also add to this info.

I have sent you a PM, and this will help to point you in the right direction i hope.

We hope you have a great new year in 08, at La Tercia.


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