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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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24 Apr 2007 12:00 AM by tashajohn Star rating in Co.Kerry Ireland and.... 93 forum posts Send private message

hi everybody,

we saw in the irish news that spanish property prices should fall down allready. does anybody know whats the story???

Apartment 4 Rent @ www.condadoholidayspain.com

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24 Apr 2007 10:54 PM by tribeca737 Star rating in Blackpool. 28 forum posts Send private message

I was there at the weekend and saw no sign of any price falls. There is a lot of property for sale though.


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25 Apr 2007 1:15 PM by ace Star rating. 310 forum posts Send private message

ace´s avatar
its just election fever id say,if the green party get in the developers will struggle to get planning on their next development then demand will far exceed supply and the prices will go up.happy days for people who have already bought.

its very simple when you stand back and have a look.

anyway how could the prices in condado drop, they are so low at the moment.

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27 Apr 2007 7:20 PM by tribeca737 Star rating in Blackpool. 28 forum posts Send private message

There was a report on Radio 4 this week. An expert commented that prices would level off during 2007. It was quoted that 800,000 new builds had had planning permission granted across the whole of Spain whilst there were only expected to be 600,000 buyers.

Kind of like a stock market correction and a good time to hunt for bargains. May put a few of the get rich quick merchants off.


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28 Apr 2007 7:21 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

We've seen a bit more since. Mostly along the lines of shares falling and it will be a buyers market with prices slashed. Some of what we have read throughs doubt on off plan properties yet to be built but it could be a storm in a tea cup beause it seems to have fallen off the news now. That said, our Friday newspaper had a centre spread 'Is this the end of the ex pat dream'  I think the general gist seems to be buying for investment may suffer but buying to reside or as a holiday home will ride the storm. 


Jan & Mike

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29 Apr 2007 1:59 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

It sems the news has got better as the week has gone on and by Thursday shares had levelled and even started to pick up a little. So storm in a tea cup and maybe a bit of levelling out was needed on property prices and share values.


Jan & Mike

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