IBI taxes for Phase3 apartments

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13 Mar 2011 12:00 AM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I wonder when we must pay our first IBI taxes for ou apartment in Mojon HIlls Phase 3B ?

One owner, who signed before christmas 2008, did receive an invoice in October 2010 from his solicitor. It said IBI 0 euros.

Can you answer the question?


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14 Mar 2011 8:54 AM by gcarton Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

We signed in April 2009 and received our first bill last year. The rule is wheoever "owns" on the first of January is liable for that year. It was in the order of €320. The IBI the show the Catastral value of the property, which (if you are non-resident) is used for the non-resident tax. This is apportioned based on the period of ownership, hence in 2009 we paid 8 months tax. Hope this helps.


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15 Mar 2011 9:24 PM by gielis Star rating in mojon hills phase 3 .... 19 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

I asked our lawyer a few months ago and she said the bill is usually sent in the summer. I wonder where it will be send to... Last year we paid for 2010 when signing the title deeds.




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16 Mar 2011 12:02 AM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

So far so good. We signed in May 2009, Which means, that we have to start paying the IBI from January 2010 ?? 

But where do we pay the IBI ? We never received any invoice.

Do we have to go to  "Recaudacion Tributaria" in calle San Miguel in Cartagena ?

Un Saludo



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16 Mar 2011 8:45 AM by gcarton Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

We are lucky as we are able to receive post on our phase (3a - 60 appartments), and so the bill arrived last August and we set up a direct debit. If you don't receive post check first with your president or administrator. Sorry don't know where you go to in Cartagena.


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22 Mar 2011 10:38 PM by ewhiteman Star rating in West Yorkshire and I.... 34 forum posts Send private message

Hi all!

What is IBI Tax?



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23 Mar 2011 8:57 AM by gcarton Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Emma, essentially council tax.

The IBI is the "Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles", which could be translated as "property tax". This is a municipally levied tax and varies widely from one municipality to another and from one type of property to another. You might for instance, pay as little as 50 euros per year for a simple property in a rural area.


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23 Mar 2011 10:36 AM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Thanks for the description Guy.

The secretary at the notary told me, that we have to go to:

Calle San Miguel in Cartagena to the office  "Recaudacion Tributaria"

I think we have to bring a copy of the Escritura and our passport.

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This message was last edited by top3 on 05/05/2011.

This message was last edited by top3 on 08/05/2011.

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08 May 2011 8:38 PM by top3 Star rating in Mojon Hills Phase 3B.... 28 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Now I found out how to do it:

Go to the "Catastral" office in Calle Sct. Miguel in Cartagena. Is is on the left hand corner seen from the small plaza. You must pass a security system inside similar to the one in the airports.

At the information desk you must ask for name change of apartment. This is on the 1st floor. Here you will get a form Modelo 901 N which you have to fill. In the form you must specify the address to which the tax office must send the first invoice. It must be a Spanish address - i.e. your bank. You will need to bring a "Copia Simple" of your Final Deed (Escritura) and personal identification such as pass port or similar. When you pay the first bill you can change to direct debit for the following payments. Otherwise you have to go to the office in Cartagena.

If you own an apartment the 1st of January you must pay the taxes for the same year. Last order is the 5th of August the same year.

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This message was last edited by top3 on 08/05/2011.

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