Thursday, March 29, 2007

EOS meet up in Cabopino

Yesterday some of us from Eye on Spain got together for a chat and a drink in Cabopino. There were seven of us there and it's the second meet up that we've organised.

It's so good to actually put faces to names. When people post on forums you get an idea of their personality but people do tend to hide a little behind their user names. I think it's quite normally, and some people have a different online personality compared to their real personality.

So it's really interesting to meet some of the members and see what they're really like! Miket certainly came out with some funny stories, although I don't think I could actually repeat any of them here....

Anyway, hopefully the meet ups will continue to grow and we get to meet more and more people. I really enjoy it and it's great to see that the site can bring together people online and in the real work too.

Come join us next time...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My poor interview skills

I've just uploaded the latest "Ear on Spain" interview to the website. This time it's with Patrick Robinson talking about Spanish Mortgages.

When I listen to my interviews I really do cringe a little, my voice sounds awful! People must hate me so much with that awful voice!!

Is it normal to hate your voice after hearing it recorded??

Anyway, I was really looking for some feedback from this latest interview. Did you like it? Was it useful? Is my voice really that bad? Any tips for improvement??

Would appreciate any feedback as I know people really like the interviews so I would like to keep doing them....just don't want to annoy everyone with that awful voice of mine! Just click the "Post a comment" link below to let me know what you thought.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Where have I been?

Just realised I haven't posted in ages! Well what have I been up to?


Community issues have been taking days and days out of my time. It's truly never ending. We were close to having our electricity cut off as we were given 2 days to get our metres sorted out! Managed to avert disaster but I did panic and contemplated leaving the country when over 100 properties would be left without electricity. But all was well in the end....just.

Telefonica arrived unannounced the other day to connect the lines in the street! Phones lines at least...only 18 months late. But no, there was always going to be a problem. Some of the Telefonica facilities had "disappeared" from the street, a result of when the road was lowered when the town hall got it so wrong. The developer has agreed to sort it even though it's not really their problem...maybe our developer isn't that bad after all (hmmm).

Susan was away in the UK for a few days too which gave me so much time I didn't know what to do with myself. I played a lot of Padel Tennis, smoked lots of cigars, went out for meals with friends most nights and, yeah, I did manage to get a little bit of work done too :)

Anyway, things are more or less back to normal now. Still lots to do in terms of sorting out community issues and really behind with my websites. Better cut down on the cigars and get some of that work done I suppose.