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10 Aug 2021 1:20 PM:

We had our last AGM meeting February 2020. Our next AGM meeting Februray 2021 was postponed due to travel restriction in Europe.  Many owners have come this summer. The information I've got from our adminstration is that all AGM meetings in Andalusia are cancelled to the 31st of December 2021.

I understand Zoom meeting is allowed if aproved at the AGM meeting, what did not happened in 2020.  The other option is postal vote, however we need 100% agreement on Zoom meeting. Many owners did not feel confortbale to have Zoom meeting, so it did not go through. 

We are on spanish soil and regardless we like it or not we have to follow spanish regulations/law.  It looks like to me that next possible AGM meeting can be in February 2022?  

We suppose to have AGM every year, what we haven't.  I guess may communities may have the same problem in 2021?

Thread: AGM


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