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15 May 2008 3:12 PM:

Hi, we also used ambasun and PSI and should have completed in june 07 at Jumilla, we find after numerous e-mails that we are getting little support from PSI i agree with the comments from cala that we have been poorly advised.

As we were informed on inspection trip byt Ambasun that they never use or take you to view properties/builders that do not have all paperwork in place, and that they use only repuitable builders.  Not the case

Why did PSI not provide information about San Jose aswe have found out from recent postings that this has been going on for years, surely they must do checks and they should be liable, why should we have to pay more money out to PSI

We are reluctant at the moment to proceed with PSI and does any one have any ideas who we could use or if we will receive a refund in full or are just wasting good money after bad as we do not have money to waste 

Thread: San Jose into liquidation.


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