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useless1's latest forum comments

26 Jul 2024 6:45 PM:

Hi, does anyone know of an engineer in the La Cala area who can set up speakers and headphones to a new smart tv. TIA

Thread: tv engineer

07 May 2024 10:48 PM:

Hi, Like many of us I used TVMucho for some time and subsequently Teeveeing. TVMucho is still loaded on my 4k amazon firestick and gave me teeveeing without any problems. however that gave up the ghost a couple of days ago .I have been trying to install Teeveeing which apparently has an app in APKpure.I am having trouble downloading this apk app due to the fact that I have absolutely no ides what I am doing despite web instructions. I would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who has successfully downloaded apkpure onto their firestick. Perhaps they can direct me to the instruction used. TIA

Thread: reco for basic IPTV


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