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20 May 2008 8:36 PM:

hi bobaol

I was a leicester lad, markfield actually.
Ex radio communications man.
All points are noted with interest, but i will keep the big dish as we have no problems 
with neighbours.




20 May 2008 7:47 PM:

Hi Karensun
I was referring to the point of sky wanting to firstly try and withdraw anyone using there system in spain and secondly what harm were 
telmicro really doing?
They were providing a service which had sky authorities had better negotiations with ofcom could have created a similar system.

Hope this clears up my point



20 May 2008 4:55 PM:

I have lived here for 18 months and have never been a telmicro customer.
We have a 2.4m dish and receive are channels directly from Sky.

After all this debate over Sky restricting services to spain and retransmitting there signal, i just wonder whether Mr Murdoch and Co's family and 
friends which spend most of there days in the south of spain, enjoy watching spanish only TV or i just wonder whether they also have a 2.4m
dish to receive there signal from Sky, i bet without the horendous monthly charges anyone else outside of there little clan have to pay?

Telmicro have provided a pretty good service over the years to the expat community. Where is the harm done?




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