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22 Nov 2012 4:14 AM:

Regardless of whether you have tax or MOT, an English insurance company is obliged to pay out any 3rd party claims and that is a fact. So you can't complain about getting hit by an untaxed, unMOT'd car because their insurance will pay out anyway.

If you want to re-register your car in Spain, good for you - but mind your own and stop moaning about what everyone else does. It's none of your business!

I am half Spanish but grew up in the UK. I left the UK to get away from small minded idiots who have nothing better to do than complain about everybody else.

If you want to live in Spain, I suggest you immerse yourself in the Spanish culture. We couldn't care less about whether you've got car tax or not.

If you can't do that then go back to your little town in the UK, and take your Daily Mail with you. You're not welcome here!



Thread: UK Road Tax and Spain


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