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03 Feb 2012 2:17 PM:

We finally got ours as well this morning.  Everyone is entitled to it in Murcia (again).  You get 110 per child in primary school and 150 per child in secondary school.

We had to do the same as you , take the card that was issued last year to the bank with the books receipt and NIE and they gave us cash.  Usually what happens here is you take the card to the papeleria and they take the money off it so keep the card safe as you will need it for September when it should be topped up again.

Thread: What has gone wrong with the Bono?

02 Feb 2012 11:00 AM:

Wow great news for you.  How did you receive it?  I am in Murcia and we didn't receive anything.

Thread: What has gone wrong with the Bono?

15 Oct 2011 9:42 AM:

My dd is in primary 6 and we bought all her books new as, like already mentioned, the books have been changed from last year. She  isn´t repeating and never has done but our books so far are 257 euros with one book outstanding.  We had a school meeting last week and was told by the school they did not know what was going on with the bono but basically don´t hold our breathe.  The shop we bought our books from has kept our receipt on the off chance we do get the bono but usually the money is added to the card mid september...

I am in Murcia and the schools in my area don't get the money.  We get the money added to our card.

Here are a couple of media links



It is all a mystery...

Thread: What has gone wrong with the Bono?

14 Oct 2011 8:14 PM:

I believe the bono libro was revoked in Murcia on the 27th May this year.  The schools kept it quiet and still issued the usual forms but no-one is getting any financial assistance towards books this year unless in 2009 they had specific minimum income according to http://www.carm.es/web/pagina?IDCONTENIDO=1690&IDTIPO=240&NOMBRECANAL=Familia&RASTRO=c44$m2458,2459.  We were not informed by the school so the correct form was never filled out so hence no financial aid for any of the parents.

It was a shock when we found out as we had ordered the books at 257 euros, not including materials, to be told nothing was on the card.  If parents had been informed in May or even June they would have been better prepared to put money away for the books, throughout the summer hols, but instead have had to pay it out all at once leaving them in a precarious financial position or not get all the books leaving the children without the tools to help them with their education.

Very underhand and deceptive.

Thread: What has gone wrong with the Bono?

29 Jul 2009 7:18 PM:

Hiya, Glad I could help a little.  I do not believe there is an age limit for animals to travel.  As long as your dog has his pet passport and gets the required injections then everything should be fine.

Thanks for taking the time to reading my daughters blog. It hopefully gave you some faith in the Spanish Health system, which has been amazing.

If there is anything else I can help with please ask,



Thread: schools in quadamar


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