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j dale's latest forum comments

19 May 2008 10:08 AM:

Hi, is the meeting in birmingham going ahead on wed because we would like to go but have chid care commitments to sort to be able to go. Have rang irwin mitchell reception in birming ham this morning but she knew nothing about it and could nt check up because we dont know who s dealing with it .

Thread: San Jose into liquidation.

15 May 2008 10:19 AM:

Hi, this is the first time i have posted a reply and like everyone else am worried sick. We were purchasing at santa ana in phase one plot r-4  with a completion date of march 2007 .We also feel helpless and dont know which way to turn. We are reluctant to throw good money after bad and dont know who we can trust after trusting Amba sun and san Jose. Our solicitor is advising us to go straight over but to do what ? We have young kids and cant just go as well as the expence when we have just potentially lost thousands of pounds,what do we do ???????     san and kev

Thread: San Jose into liquidation.


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