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hangonaminute's latest forum comments

28 Jun 2016 1:07 PM:

Why is no-one else being heard saying this?

Why don’t we be grown up, pragmatic, sensible, realistic and let’s cut between us a sensible tariff-free deal and thereafter recognise that the United Kingdom will be your friend; that we will trade with you, cooperate with you, we will be your best friends in the world. Do that, do it sensibly, and allow us to go off and pursue our global ambitions and future. (Nigel Farage, European Parliament)

Thread: BREXIT

25 Jun 2016 12:42 PM:

It would appear that those wanting a second referendum cannot count, 60% of a 75% turnout of eligible voters does not add up. All that is required is for those in favour of exit to stay at home and the referendum is frustrated the turnout was 72% in this referendum.

 I believe one of the factors in the out vote was the blunt statements by Juncker about out is out and the inaability of Cameron to achieve a reasonable and acceptable compromise on the rules of membership.

The real questionis that given the result was because of discontent about the way the EU and UK politicians are ignoring popular sentiment, will they change?

Thread: BREXIT


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